
How Much Blocks Are In Minecraft

For the music disc past the aforementioned name, see Music Discs.

Blocks are standard-sized block units, whose appearances differ from cake to block. They make up the landscape of the Minecraft earth and are used in many of the game's mechanics.




Wooden Planks.

Coarse Dirt.

Each cube is unique and offers the player building materials, utilities, ornamentation, and crafting. For instance, an emerald cake functions every bit both a building material and compact ways of storing emeralds. Blocks are identify-able, unlike almost other objects  (without the utilize of an item frame). They make upward the in-game environments and can be nerveless, placed, and used in many different ways. Some blocks spawn naturally, such equally dirt or stone while other blocks, such as bricks and redstone lamps, must be crafted by a player. Logs, for example, is i of the more useful blocks, due to its widespread use and requirement in many crafting recipes. All player-made structures are created past using multiple blocks of one, or several dissimilar varieties.

Certain blocks take special uses. For example, Jack o' Lantern, glowstone, and ocean lanterns can be used to calorie-free underwater areas, because they cannot be extinguished by h2o. different torches, that would be washed out when placed in water.

In that location are three unlike transparency levels by which blocks can be classified:

  • Transparent blocks, such every bit air and water.
  • Semi-transparent blocks, such equally glass and leaves.
  • Opaque blocks, such as forest or cobblestone.

Well-nigh transparent/translucent blocks, tin can't have torches placed on them.

The face of a block is 16x16 pixels, and each block is proportionately one cubic meter.[ane] Most blocks are static, although water, lava, portal, and burn blocks take a shifting blueprint. While the default texture pack's textures have 16x16 block faces, there are texture packs with 32x32 or fifty-fifty 64x64 textures. These texture packs often require a mod, but usually, they merely require the default Minecraft resource pack.

Naturally-generated Blocks

A Pig continuing on Coal Ore.

The following is a list of many blocks that generate naturally Minecraft worlds. Entries marked with a D require additional data values to entirely define the block in a Minecraft globe. Entries marked with an I have a unlike ID every bit an inventory item. Entries marked with a B require additional inventory data to fully define the inventory item. Entries marked with a T take tile entities associated with them to store boosted data. Items with IDs in ruddy cannot be legitimately obtained past a actor in the game. They can but be obtained by "hacking" (Such every bit using an inventory editor) or while in multiplayer servers, or by using the /give control. Items available only in Artistic mode are in bluish. Items only obtainable through the Silk Touch enchantment in Survival Mode are in light-green.

The Overworld

Mycelium is a very rare block considering that it can only be constitute in ane biome, and can simply exist collected with Silk Bear upon.

Below is a list of blocks that tin can be obtained in the Overworld .

Naturally Generated

Naturally generated blocks include blocks that are created through a 'seed ' either player-generated or generated by a random seed generator.

Icon December Hex Block type.
None None Air
StoneNew.png 01 01 Stone
GrassNew.png 02 02 Grass
Dirt.png 03 03 Clay
BedrockNew.png 07 07 Bedrock
Water.png 08 08 H2o D
LavaCurrent.png 10 0A Lava D
SandNew.png 12 0C Sand
GravelNew.png xiii 0D Gravel
GoldOreNew.png 14 0E Gold Ore
IronOreNew.png fifteen 0F Iron Ore
CoalOreNew.png xvi 10 Coal Ore
LogsNew.gif 17 11 Log D B
LeavesNew.gif xviii 12 Leaves D B
LapisLazuliNew.png 21 15 Lapis Lazuli Ore
SandstoneNew.png 24 eighteen Sandstone
Tall Grass.gif 31 1F Grass D B
DeadBushNew.png 32 twenty Expressionless Bush
VinesNew.png 106 6A Vines D
Icon Dec Hex Block blazon
DandelionNew.png 37 25 Dandelion
PoppyNew.png 38 26 Poppy
BrownMushroomNew.png 39 27 Brown Mushroom
RedMushroomNew.png twoscore 28 Ruby Mushroom
DiamondOreNew.png 56 38 Diamond Ore
RedstoneOreNew.png 73 49 Redstone Ore
SnowNew.png 78 4E Snow
IceNew.png 79 4F Ice
New Cactus.png 81 51 Cactus D
ClayBlockNew.png 82 52 Clay Block
SugerCaneNew.png 83 53 Saccharide Cane D I
PumpkinNew.png 86 56 Pumpkin D
MelonNew.png 103 67 Melon D
CocoaStages.gif 103 67 Cocoa Pods D
BrownMushroomBlockNew.png 99 63 Huge Dark-brown Mushroom D
RedMushroomBlockNew.png 100 64 Huge Red Mushroom D
MyceliumNew.png 110 6E Mycelium
LilyPadNew.png 111 6F Lily Pad
EndPortalFrame.png 120 78 End Portal Frame
BigLeavesBamboo.png ? ? Bamboo
SeagrassShort.gif ? ? Body of water Grass
Kelp.gif 393 189 Kelp

Naturally Created

Naturally created means a combination of events that cause a new block to be placed by not thespian causes.

Icon December Hex Block type
None None Air
StoneNew.png 01 01 Rock
GrassNew.png 02 02 Grass Block
Dirt.png 03 03 Dirt
CobblestoneNew.png 04 04 Cobblestone
Water.png 09 09 Stationary waterD
Tall Grass.gif 31 1F Tall Grass D B
BrownMushroomNew.png 39 27 Brownish Mushroom
RedMushroomNew.png 40 28 Crimson Mushroom
Obsidian.png 49 31 Obsidian
Icon December Hex Cake type
DandelionNew.png 37 25 Dandelion
PoppyNew.png 38 26 Poppy
Fire3D.gif 51 33 BurnD
SnowNew.png 78 4E Snowfall
IceNew.png 79 4F Ice
New Cactus.png 81 51 CactusD
SugerCaneNew.png 83 53 Sugar PikestaffD I
VinesNew.png 106 6A VinesD
MyceliumNew.png 110 6E Mycelium

A typical NPC Village before the 1.xiv update


Same as naturally generated, but these blocks are only created with the "Generate Structures" option enabled.

All blocks are limited to stacks of 64 per inventory slot .

Icon Dec Hex Block type
CobblestoneNew.png 04 04 Cobblestone
WoodenPlanksNew.gif 05 05 Wooden Plank
Water.png 09 09 Stationary H2o D
LavaCurrent.png 11 0B Stationary Lava D
GravelNew.png 13 0D Gravel
WoodenPlanksNew.gif 17 11 Wood D B
Cobweb 1.png 30 1E Cobweb
Black wool.png 35 23 Wool (Blackness) D B
Slab.gif 44 2C Slabs D B
BookshelfNew.png 47 2F Bookshelf
MossyCobblestoneNew.png 48 30 Mossy Asphalt
TorchNew.png l 32 Torch D
MobSpawnerNew.png 52 34 Monster Spawner T
Stairs.gif 53 35 Stairs D
Chest.gif 54 36 Chests D T
EnderChestNew.gif 54 36 Ender Chests D T
Icon December Hex Block blazon
CraftingTableNew.png 58 3A Crafting Tables
Loom.png 459 1CB Loom
Cartography Table.png 455 1C7 Cartography Tabular array
Seeds123.png 59 3B Seeds D
NewFarmland.gif 60 3C Farmland D
FurnaceNew.png 61 3D Furnaces D T
DoorsNew.gif 64 40 Wooden Doors D I
LadderNew.png 65 41 Ladder D
RailNew.png 66 42 Rail D
Stairs.gif 67 43 Rock Stairs
IronDoorNew.png 71 47 Iron Doors D I
PressurePlateNew.gif 72 48 Wooden Pressure Plates D
Stone Button.png 77 4D Buttons D
OakFenceNew.png 85 55 Contend
StoneNew.png 97 61 Infested Stones/Silverfish Monster Egg D
StoneBricksNew.png 98 62 Stone Bricks D B
Iron Bars Image.png 101 65 Iron Bars
GlassPaneNew.png 102 66 Drinking glass Pane

The Nether

An overview of a under fortress in the nether

Netherrack is a mutual cake in The Nether.

Naturally Generated

Icon !! December !! Hex !! Cake type

None None


BedrockNew.png 07 07 Boulder
LavaCurrent.png 11 0B Stationary LavaD
GravelNew.png 13 0D Gravel
BrownMushroomNew.png 39 27 Brown Mushroom
RedMushroomNew.png twoscore 28 Scarlet Mushroom
Fire3D.gif 51 33 Burn down D
NetherrackNew.png 87 57 Netherrack
SoulSandNew.png 88 58 Soul Sand
Glowstone.png 89 59 Glowstone

A naturally generated item in the nether.


Naturally Created

Icon December Hex Cake type
None None Air
LavaCurrent.png x 0A Lava D
BrownMushroomNew.png 39 27 Dark-brown Mushroom
RedMushroomNew.png xl 28 Crimson Mushroom
Obsidian.png 49 31 Obsidian
NetherPortal.gif 90 5A Portal

Nether brick fences only naturally occur in the Nether.


Icon Dec Hex Block type
None None Air
MobSpawnerNew.png 52 34 Monster Spawner T
SoulSandNew.png 88 58 Soul Sand
NetherBrickNew.png 112 70 Nether Brick
Nether Brick Fence.png 113 71 Under Brick Fence
Stairs.gif 114 72 Nether Brick StairsD
NetherWartNew.gif 115 73 Nether Wart D

Additional Reading

An aerial view of an extremely tall building made of blocks.

There are over 150 different types of blocks in Minecraft, including environmental features similar air and water, which cannot be obtained, various types of wood, various colors of wool, various, slabs, stairs, utility blocks, and the listing goes on. New blocks are typically added to 1 or more versions of Minecraft every few months.

Ground view of extremely tall building fabricated of blocks

In a standard, randomly-generated world, ane can notice air, rock, grass, snow, dirt, water, water source, lava, lava source, sand, sandstone, gravel, gold ore, fe ore, diamond ore, Redstone ore, lapis lazuli ore, dirt block, coal ore, bedrock, ice, wood, birch wood, wooden planks, etc.

In abandoned mineshafts, oak/dark oak wood, stone, rail, and diverse exposed ores tin can be found. Leaves, cacti, sugar cane, vines, pumpkins, dandelions, poppies, chocolate-brown and red mushrooms, expressionless bushes, shrubs, and tall grass tin all be constitute exploring the Overworld. In dungeons, 1 can too observe cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, a monster spawner, and chests. Nonetheless, cobblestone is most frequently obtained by the thespian past mining stone and chests are crafted, making this a unique structure.

Cobblestone, wooden planks, fences, pressure plates, bookshelves, crafting tables, stairs, torches, black wool, glass panes, iron bars, lava, chests, and furnaces can also exist plant in the randomly-generated villages.

Rock bricks, mossy stone bricks, cracked stone bricks, iron bars, cease portal frames, monster spawners, bookshelves, wooden planks, fences, chests, and cobwebs can be found in the strongholds and abased mineshafts also added in Beta ane.viii.

Obsidian tin can exist constitute naturally simply is not considered a part of a random generation. Instead, information technology'southward created when a naturally-occurring lava source block comes in contact with water. Cobblestone tin also be found naturally in the same circumstances as obsidian simply is formed when moving lava comes into contact with water . Strongholds are besides partially built of cobblestone.

Players can arts and crafts a variety of blocks that are not naturally found in the globe, such equally crafting tables, bookshelves, and furnaces, using their 4x4 personal crafting grid. Redstone , diamond , aureate, and lapis lazuli can be found in the lower areas of maps.

Netherrack, glowstone, gravel, soul sand, Nether brick, Under brick debate, Under brick stairs, and Nether wart can be found in the Nether, which a histrion can only reach via a Nether portal. End stone, bedrock, and obsidian can be establish in the Stop, which tin just be reached via an Terminate portal. Torches, an Stop portal, an Terminate gateway, and a dragon egg are generated later on a thespian kills the Ender Dragon.

The Pocket Edition had 3 unique blocks: the cyan flower, Nether reactor core, and glowing obsidian, however, these blocks are no longer in the game.


  • When placing a block in any version of Minecraft with a wearisome computer, information technology may place two blocks instead of one, and when removing a block, it removes them both. People with particularly depression-end hardware may even feel three blocks being placed or removed with 1 click of the mouse. A common solution to this problem is to reduce the render distance.
  • Water, doors, lava, doors, saccharide cane, grass, flowers, open trapdoors, cobwebs, dead bushes, shrubs, and saplings are the only blocks that a thespian can walk through.
  • Lava but flows 4 blocks in the Overworld. In the Under, it tin can flow viii blocks, similar to h2o in the Overworld. If the water block is hacked into one'due south inventory, it tin be placed without evaporating and it will flow the same every bit in the Overworld. Yet, a cake update will cause information technology to evaporate.
  • Under portal blocks may be considered artificial blocks because players must strike the portal frame with a flintstone and steel to create them.
  • Netherrack, glowstone, and soul sand are blocks found only in the Nether. They all have helpful uses in the Overworld, such as an infinite light source, traps, and mob spawning (wither).
  • Some blocks must be destroyed by a specific tool in order to be collected, such as diamonds being mined with an atomic number 26 pickaxe or better.
  • Some blocks similar bedrock and stop portal frames can not be mined in survival mode. Others that tin only be accessed with commands, similar invisible boulder, tin can not exist mined in artistic manner and can only be removed with the /setblock command.
  • During the survival test phase of Minecraft's evolution, a histrion began with x TNT blocks, and they could obtain dirt, cobblestone (from rock), wooden planks (from wood), gold blocks from gilt ore, iron blocks from iron ore, stone slabs from coal ore and white wool from sheep.
  • In the Classic version of Minecraft, a player could build with naturally-occurring blocks (except for redstone and diamond), and can use bookcases, sponge, colored wool, brick, obsidian, and moss stone. Operators of servers can also identify bedrock. (very rarely though)
  • Some custom servers give the ability to place fluids.


Click for full Blocks gallery.

See as well

  • Information values
  • Items
  • Opacity
  • Luminance
  • Ore
  • Technical blocks


  1. Notch (Tumblr)



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